Saturday, October 23, 2010

Toning Shoes

As a personal trainer, I have been getting a lot of questions lately about Toning Shoes. It seems like every shoe company out there has started to market one. They all claim that they will do fabulous things for your legs and butt. But, (pun totally intended!) do they really work?

Until now, all studies that have been available were from the companies themselves. So it stands to reason that those studies would say that the shoes deliver on their many promises. Now, thanks to American Council on Exercise we have a concrete, UNBIASED study on Toning Shoes - putting them to the test to see if the claims the companies are making are true.

Here's the article sharing the study's results.

So here's the bottom line:
Want slimmer legs? A better butt? Want to burn more calories?


And do it safely - in properly fitted shoes for that specific activity (walking, running, cross training). Never been fitted for shoes? Visit your local running store: Fleet Feet Sports (Santa Rosa and other cities), Heart & Sole Sports (Santa Rosa), The Running Store (Napa) and See Jane Run (Oakland & Danville) are a few you can find in the San Francisco Bay Area. They will get you all set to start on your new walking/running/exercise program.

Want or need some guidance on getting started with a new walking/running/exercise program? Contact me and let's chat. I would love the opportunity to help you get started on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.